Call +91 7675 90 1868

Pagadala Pride, Rainbow Colony, Bachupally

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Mon to Sat: 10am to 9pm
Sunday: On appointment


What is teeth whitening?

Teeth whitening is procedure in which your dentist will apply a teeth bleaching agent on to your teeth which is safe and effective.


What is procedure involved in teeth whitening?

  • Your dentist will examine your mouth and assess the oral hygiene status; if the oral hygiene status is meat then your dentist will proceed with the procedure. If not you have to undergo cleaning on polishing.
  • Next step includes cleaning and polishing followed by isolation of teeth and application of barrier followed by bleaching agent. After completion of the procedure your dentist will remove the bleaching agent and barrier.

How much time is required for the completion of treatment?

Depending upon the severity of discoloration the treatment time varies 30 – 45 minutes.

What are the things to do after teeth whitening?

  • Consume soft and cold foods for 1-2 days and avoid hot and spicy foods for 1-2 days.
  • Limit intake of foods with stain tendency like coffee and tea.
  • Limit intake of acidic foods and beverages.

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